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The Families Arrive in Minnesota
The Kantens in the 1870 Census
Excerpt from "The Immigrants" by Shirley Kanten
The Kantens in the 1880 Census
Alms in the Minnesota Census 1895-1905
The Alm Siblings in the 1920 Census
Alms in the 1921 Hadeland Lag Yearbook
Ole and Johanne in the 1900 Census
*Hans and Anne Marry and Start A Family
Kantens and Alms - Double Cousins
Hans Alm Family biography
Family Census Records1905-1940
The 1915 Binford Women's Basketball Team
World War I Draft Registration
World War I Draft Registration
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Alm biography
Hazel's parents biography
"Binford Times" fire coverage *
Charles' World War I Service History
Mr. and Mrs.Manfred Knapp biography
Manfred's parents - biography
Excerpt from Art's Autobiography
Ruby's High School Valedictory Address (pdf file) *
The Alm Cousins
Cousins Remembered
Suggested links to related websites
* Opens in a new window
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