Newspaper Clipping from Ruby Alm's Scrapbook
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Canton were entertained by
their children and friends last Wednesday evening in honor of their
Golden Wedding anniversary. The honored couple together with
their children were feted at a six o'clock dinner at the Arthur
Canton home in Watson. From there they adjourned to the Watson
Town Hall where a host of friends greeted the guests. The
following program was rendered.
Mr. Strom brought the congratulations and best wishes of his father who could not be present. Mr. Strom stated that Mr. and Mrs. Canton were married fifty years ago by the sainted Mr. Solseth. The first few years of their married life were spent on what is now commonly known as the Ole Klefstad farm north of Watson. From there they moved a little ways across the road where they have built one of the finest homes in our community and reared a family of children who have given them much happiness. He likened a golden wedding to a beautiful sunset and in conclusion said, "And now, our dear friends, it is our hope and prayer that you may have many more years together and that now in the sunset of your lives and in God's own time when the way leads into the valley of the shadow you may say with full joy and conviction, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.'" The Cantons were presented with a fine living room chair by their children and their many friends gave them a purse. The ladies served a delicious lunch to all who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Canton have nine children and they were all present at the festivities; they are:
There were many relatives and friends from Big Bend, Louisburg, Milan, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Canton and daughter Jeanette and William Cropsey of South St. Paul.
In Memory of Karen Martha Canton
Date of Birth OCTOBER 30, 1865
Entered into Rest MARCH 5, 1958
Date of Services MARCH 8. 1958
Final Resting Place CHURCH CEMETERY
Pall Bearers
Soloist: Saber Haug Organist: Helen Teigen
ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME Montevideo, Minnesota |
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