Brandsvold Township
Thor purchased a farm in Brandsvold Township for $1700 before moving his family from North Dakota. The deed transferring ownership from John E. Sater to Thor was signed on March 31, 1898 and filed at 2 PM on April 2. Larger ImageThe legal description for Thor's first farm in Polk County:
The southwest quarter of section 21. Plat Map
One Room Schools
Eight of the Hegland children attended school in Brandsvold township.
Sophie, Bernhard, Alet and Carl all completed their 8th grade educations in the Bergdahl school in Brandsvold township.
Anton, George and Lorentz also attended Bergdahl. Alfred spent first grade at this school.

In 1912, school overcrowding led to the creation of the Flaskerud school that included the northern part of Bergdahl's territory.
Anton, George, Lorentz and Alfred were 4 of the 39 students that made up the first class at the new school.