A Letter to George
This letter, written by Lina to her son George in 1930, responds to the news that he and Ellen were engaged.

McIntosh Minn
July 1st
Dear George
I got your good letter on Saturday and sure was glad to hear from you and it sure was great news in it too. Well I suppose you remember what we told you when we seen you in Crookston when you was there and I want to say this much, both Dad and I and all of us think you have got a very nice girl. I liked her and her ways real well so I hope you will both be lucky all through your life. and I hope there will [be] nothing coming in our way but what we can be down there the 1st of August. I wish a lot that Leonard could come with us but I haven't mentioned anything about that yet. I suppose it will be Harvest so they will have so much to do that it will be hard for him to get away.
Have you folks decided yet where you are going on your trip? If you plan on taking it up this way. Will you let me know if you do. I want somebody to stay and fix up things till we come back. If not I'll just leave it to Amanda and the boys. Don't forget to let me know next time you write.
This will have to be all. I have to go and feed my chickens and pick the eggs.
Lots of love to you both,
The Telelag is already over with at Alexandria [MN]. It was last week I think and the 4th they are going to have a big celebration at McIntosh on both Friday and Saturday. I think Oscar is coming home for that, but I think we will stay home but the boys are going there I think.
Don't forget to write me soon, and greet Mrs. Peterson* when you see her.
* Lina is referring to George's "landlady," Mrs. Johanna Peterson in Edgeley, ND. George and his family remained friends with Mrs. Peterson long after he married and moved away.
Images of the Original Letter